Go Big or Go Home: Turning dreams into results

I was supposed to be a rock star.   I was also supposed to be a jet fighter pilot and a pet store owner.  Oh . . . and win the Indy 500. Well I did at least raise parakeets for a short while, so they weren’t all failed dreams.😐 Then at 19 years of […]

Don’t worry, be climbing – The surprising effect of climbing on depression

“I can’t take it anymore!!” “Really, I’m so sorry to hear that. Tell me more.” “No one cares about me.  Nothing EVER goes my way!” “Well. What happened” “Christy just ate the last cookie.  And I wanted it!” If you have ever had children or even been around children, you have more than likely heard […]

Applause, applause, applause – The power of positive energy

I am not a swimmer. I don’t like swimming, I don’t like water, and I especially hate how it puckers my hard earned finger tip callouses. But I was absolutely enthralled by watching Michael Phelps swim in the Rio Olympic Games this past month. Some of the curiosity came from how he brought himself back […]

The few, the proud, the rock climbers. How climbing can make you a better person.

What if you could have a ton of fun, make new friends, live a life of passion and adventure, and all the while improve both your physical and mental abilities? No, I’m not suggesting joining the Marines (although, if you are so inclined, please do. America always needs and appreciates good soldiers). I’m talking about […]

Climbing grades and Wiccan spells

Growing up, we had a witch that lived in our neighborhood. Skinny, long dark hair, black cat and a Ouija board. The whole 9 yards. She would even don the pointy hat on Halloween. Most of us were afraid to even walk past her house. But boys being boys, my friends and I decided that […]

In memory . . .

Caleb was clearly bummed. We had just finished looking at the ABS (American Bouldering Series) divisional championship results. The top four would advance to Nationals. Caleb had finished sixth. “Sorry man,” I said. “You climbed well. Next year for sure!” “Not me,” Caleb replied. “Addison! He only got 5th! He is such a better climber […]

Evel Knievel and does rock climbing matter?

Remember Evel Knievel?  Daredevil of the 70s, white leather jumpsuit with blue ‘V’ shaped stars across his chest, jumping his motorcycle over cars, the fountain at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and then attempting a jump across the Grand Canyon.  Evel was a strange cocktail of courage, showmanship, and adventure mixed with a good portion […]

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